viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

About Sociology of the Internet

Read and answer the questions:

1)- What is the sociology of internet?
The sociology of the internet involves the application of sociological theory and method to the internet as a source of information and communication.

2)- What are the main forms of the new technology?
Sociologists are concerned with the social implications of the technology, new social network, virtual communities and ways of interaction that have arisen.

3)- How can internet be studied by sociologists?
The internet, is of interest for sociologists in various ways: as a tool for research, for example, in using online questionnaries instead of paper ones as a analysis of online communities, virtual communities and virtual worlds.
And studied statistically through network analysis and at the same time interpreted qualitatively, such as through virtual ethnography. Social change can be studied through statistical demographics.

4)- Is social change taking place in our society?
With the new technology, it is observing social change, this advanced communication and corresponds entire internet, is an easier way for communication, adding compartments files and more.

5)- What are the cyber crimes?

A computer crime is any action, characteristic unlawful and guilty, which is given by way computer or aims to destroy and damage computers, electronic media and Internet networks. Because the computer is moving faster than the law, there are computer inland criminal conduct can not be considered as a crime, according to the "theory of crime" and therefore defined as computer abuse and computer crime.
For example:

  • Obscene or offensive
The content of a website or other media may be obscene or offensive for a range of reasons. In some cases, such content may be illegal. Similarly, there is no universal legal rules and legal regulations may vary from country to country.
Some jurisdictions limit explicitly prohibit certain speech and racism, political subversion, promoting violence, sedition and the material that incites hatred and crime.

  • Harassment
Bullying or harassment is content that is directed specifically to an individual or group with comments or insultativos vexatious because of their sex, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, ethnic and cultural identity, etc.. This happens usually in chat channels, groups or sending emails destined exclusively to offend.
  • Drug trafficking
Drug traffickers are increasingly taking advantage of the Internet to sell their illegal substances through encrypted e-mail and other Internet Technology. Some drug traffickers arrange deals at internet cafes, use courier Web sites to track illegal packages of pills, and swap recipes for amphetamines in restricted-access chat rooms.

The rise in Internet drug trades could also be attributed to the lack of face-to-face communication. These virtual exchanges allow more intimidated individuals to more comfortably purchase illegal drugs. The sketchy effects that are often associated with drug trades are severely minimized and the filtering process that comes with physical interaction fades away.

  • Threats, Intimidation
Although freedom of speech is protected by law in most democratic societies (in US this is done by First Amendment) that does not include all types of speech. In fact spoken or written "true threat" speech/text is criminalized because of "intent to harm or intimidate", that also applies for online or any type of network related threats in written text or speech
  • Spam
Spam, or the unsolicited sending of bulk email for commercial purposes, is unlawful in some jurisdictions. While anti-spam laws are relatively new, limits on unsolicited electronic communications have existed for some time.
  • Fraud
Computer fraud is any dishonest misrepresentation of fact intended to let another to do or refrain from doing something which causes loss. In this context, the fraud will result in obtaining a benefit by:

 Altering in an unauthorized way. This requires little technical expertise and is not an uncommon form of theft by employees altering the data before entry or entering false data, or by entering unauthorized instructions or using unauthorized processes;
    Altering, destroying, suppressing, or stealing output, usually to conceal unauthorized transactions: this is difficult to detect;
    Altering or deleting stored data;
    Altering or misusing existing system tools or software packages, or altering or writing code for fraudulent purposes.
Other forms of fraud may be facilitated using computer systems, including bank fraud, identity theft, extortion, and theft of classified information.
  • Cyber warfare
Sailors analyze, detect and defensively respond to unauthorized activity within U.S. Navy information systems and computer networks.

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) notes that cyberspace has emerged as a national-level concern through several recent events of geo-strategic significance. Among those are included the attack on Estonia's infrastructure in 2007, allegedly by Russian hackers. "In August 2008, Russia again allegedly conducted cyber attacks, this time in a coordinated and synchronized kinetic and non-kinetic campaign against the country of Georgia. Fearing that such attacks may become the norm in future warfare among nation-states, the concept of cyberspace operations impacts and will be adapted by warfighting military commanders in the future.

My Experience on Facebook

My experience on Facebook, it was not that bad.
The good that I find having a Facebook account is that to move from where he hived, after a few years I found old friend, and also add to the current, and keep contact has also been useful to communicate with relatives in Chile, is good to keep in touch, then another useful publications and share what one likes, that's the positive that you have the Facebook sack.
The negative part is that you call it so is exposed to that you remove your informatio, or make a note with all the details of one, or even people you do not know add perhaps most a added you to have a lot of friend in Facebook which makes it popular, but sometimes people you accept and harass, but luckyly so far never happened to me but thinking.
Another negative point is that one goes on as if it were drug on Facebook, it's like an addiction and you do not screen out.
But in conclusion, my experience is not bad. I have communicated with friends and had fun.

My Opinion on Social Network

  • You first begin to know specifically what your definition, a social network is a social structure made of individuals, which are connected by one or more types of relationships, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, exchange economic relations or shared belief, knowledge or prestige maybe.
  • This will have social network, has its good side as communication with more people, interact, and possibly find people with whom for months or year that you do not communicate, ist also allows communication with people inside or outside the country where you this, also the remote file sharing, is very productive.
  • After all, everything has its bad side!, accepting strangers who may infiltrate your information, or use your photos, your name, or anything that will serve them, it can also happend via social networking harassment or misundertanding often happens just for the sake of writing something wrong, or do not understang, is how same conflicts occur between friends, family or relatives.
  • But despite its downside, apparently poeple still use social network media.

My Opinion on Human Rights


It consists of a condition to ensure that the inhabitants of a country may be considered free citizens , with right and obligations that are conducted autonomously.
Besides, as the world states, the right to identity concerns the right of everyone to know his or her origins, to have a name and a unique identity, and exercise the right and obligations in the state that applies.

  •  In my opinion, this is the most imortant right because it is what identifies us within a society and gives us the right to enjoy our capabilities as a subject of law. It is essential to have on identity for our wellbeing.